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Photo #1 A quiet evening in the library of her Connecticut home.

Photo #2 Planning programs with Franz Rupp for the coming season.

Photo #3 A new recipe is contemplated by Miss Anderson and her mother.

Photo #4 Vegetables flourish under the singer's expert care.

Photo #5 In her own dark room Miss Anderson prints photos taken on the last European tour.

Photo #6 Home recordings are one way to achieve the famed Anderson perfection.

Photo #7 Kitchen chores are relaxation for the busy artist.

Photo #8 Greetings from Kurt, who welcomes Miss Anderson back from England.

(large type) Miss Anderson at Home...

In the beautiful Connecticut countryside on a farm surrounded by rolling hills, Marian Anderson makes her home. Here she may rest between strenuous tours, finding in the pleasant chores at home and in the long walks down country lanes the relaxation so necessary to nourish the artist. Then, as another tour is scheduled to begin, the farm becomes a place of concentrated work. Music is chosen; her assisting artist, Franz Rupp, visits the farm for rehearsals, and home recordings are made to allow Miss Anderson to check her performances constantly until she has achieved the high standards that satisfy her.  (Photos courtesy World Artists, Inc.)