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Report for Dr. Waldo L. Smith, Curator, Marine Invertebrates. Morrissey's Cruise Summer of 1937. [[line]] June 22nd. 1937. Left City Island, N.Y. Our crew pretty much the same as last year, Brother Will Bartlett going again as mate. The Lads that went along and helped us finance the trip were, viz - Buck Morris. Plymouth Meeting. Pennsylvania. Francis C. Grant. Chesnut Hill. Pa. Warner Kent, Scarsdale, N.Y. David Nutt. Cleveland, Ohio. These last four had been with me the previous year. Besides these were - David Munsell, Garrison, Maryland. Bob. Graff. Scarsdale. N.Y. Howard McCall, WYNNEWood, Pa. Bob. Wurtz. Short Hills. N.J.
Transcription Notes:
next page clearly shows that David Nutt is from Cleveland.