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2. Gerry Redmond. Locust Valley. Long Island. N.Y. Stuart Miller, Scarsdale, N.Y. And Bross Lloyd . Lee. Mass. All the Lads stood regular sea watches; and helped to handle the Schooner, and do any job that they were called upon todo. They were at all times attentive and efficient. One could not wish for a better Crew of Lads. David C. Nutt, of Cleveland volunteered to Collect birds for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, He collected and skinned 200 birds or more. His Collection was labelled and done as efficiently as an old hand. Whereas this was his first Experience. He had however, previous to this sailing, received training in his off school hours at the Cleveland Museum. As usual Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt loaned
Transcription Notes:
Found a reference to a John Bross Lloyd of Lee, Massachusetts, so likely correct - @phil_terry