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Up and lived his young life around Disco Island. We also improved the time gathering flowers both in Newfoundland Labrador and now Greenland. I staid about two hours. Long enough to fill the tanks with fresh Water.
Captain REIIS-Carstensen. R.D.N. Who is the Hydrographer and Commander of the New [[strikethrough]] Survey [[/strikethrough]] Coast Survey steamer and Dr. Morton Porsild, Chief Radio Operator Miller of the Radio Station at Godhavn and Pastor Rosen came on board. We had a grand visit from Governor Rosendahl as well. I now determined to go on for the Peary monument at Cape York. And we were extremely fortunate in finding Melville Bay free of ice. I intended to stop at Potalis Village about 6 miles East of the monument, but changed my mind and it was fortunate for 4 Eskimo belonging to the Cape York Village that I did. As we neared the Cape a squall of wind struck us and about that time I saw the

Transcription Notes:
Governer Rosendahl is Philip R. Rosendahl, two-time governer of North Greenland. Captain REIIS-Carstensen is EIGIL RIIS-CARSTENSEN, his obit can be found at @phil_terry