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[[Strikethrough]] Kane [[/Strikethrough]] Smith Sound;
Midway between Cape Sabine, Ellesmere Land,and Greenland. We saw Numerous schools of Narwhal swimming in the open water, close to the Edge of the very heavy Arctic ice. Here we secured our Walrus Pups two of them. We gathered a few Birds on [[lnc?]] Garry, Littleton Island, and around Pandora Harbour. The ice lay close to the Canadian shore almost to the Cary Islands; and thence to the mouth of Jones Sound Canadian Shore. We had a delightful trip almost to the Bottom of Olricks Bay
A note from the Log Book of August 7th says, 2 am anchor up and on the rail steaming out of [[strikethrough]] [[Olric?]] [[/Stikethrough]] Olricks Bay favouring the Port hand going out. Sun on opposite shore, and as he skims tops of mountains and ice caps it made beautiful colour effects Russetts and browns.