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It was moved and properly seconded that the report from the treas be received with thanks.
The anniversary committee reported that they had secured The St Pauls Baptist Church for the anniversary services & Rev J.T. Brooks is to preach the sermon Prayer to be offered by Rev G W M Lucas. Rev Butcher to install the officers. Mrs Mary E Brooks of Lakeland Md & Mr Eugene Plummer to sing solos.
The committee further decided to have a memorial service for Members who had passed away during the last two years. Mrs E.B. Brooks to have a Memorial Poem and also act as Mistress of Ceremonies.
This report was signed by the following committee. Bro Jas Gray. Mrs Carrie Broome Mrs Irene Davis Bro Walter R Davis Bro Robt Johnson Mrs E B Brooks & Mrs Priscilla Johnson secretary.
The Committee also presented a bill for ptg which was 75c. It was moved and properly seconded that this report be recd with thanks & the bill be paid.
After a brief statements by the Chm of sick relative to his trip to Brandy wine to settle the funeral claim of our late Bro Hawkins. & also by the president relative to his recent illness it was moved & properly seconded that we adjourn 1015.
dismissed by our asst Chaplain 
Phillip Broome Pres
WE Burke Secy.
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Bladensburg Md
July 11 - 1938
The regular monthly Meeting of the Bladensburg union was held on the above date. 
The Meeting was called to order by the President, our devotionals was in charge of our asst Chaplain the Chaplain being absent
After the roll call of Officers the president declared the Meeting opened for business.
After dispensing with the Minutes for the present we proceeded to take up the Monthly dues which Amtd to as follows $27.60 Monthly dues $1.45 rally & $1.00 for badges. Making $30.05 which was turned over to our treas
The Minutes of our last Meeting was next called for read recd & adopted.
There was no report from the Chm of sick
The Chairman Made a brief statement to the effect that there was no sick at present for which we were all very grateful.
There was no report from the board of directors.
The Treas report was Made by our asst treas showing a balance on hand & in bank $2,911.32
A Motion was Made and it was properly seconded that the splendid report from our treasurer be received with thanks
There being no unfinished business new business was next in order. several matters were talked over for the good and welfare of the union