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it was moved and seconded that the report from the Treas be received with thanks,
Sister Brooke asked if it was proper to give benefits to members on charity as she had occasion to get this information the secretary read the ruling on this that was passed Oct 10 - 1928. The union allowing these members the same priviledge as others.
Bro Gray stated a case where a person had died in Melrose. and needed $25.00 to take care of the body 
Bro Johnson also spoke of the same case a collection was taken for relief of this cause to the amt of $3.10. it was voted by the union that $1.90 be given from the union to make $5.00 and that the treas give same to undertaker
There being no further business the meeting adjourned

Dismissed by Bro Gray.
Philip Broome Pres
W E Burke Secy

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Bladensburg. Md
Oct 3rd 1938

The regular Monthly business Meeting of the Bladensburg union was held on the above date with the Pres presiding.
Our devotionals was in charge of our Chaplain.
After the roll call of officers. the President declared the meeting opened for business.
We dispensed with the reading of the Minutes for the present And proceeded to take up the Monthly dues which amtd to $30.00 the same was turned over to our treas.
The Minutes of our last regular meeting was next called for read recd and adopted as read.
The Chairman of sick reported that there was no sick. This report was received with thanks.
There was no report from the Board of Directors.
The treas financial report was next read by our asst treas showing a bal on hand & in Bank $2.786.68 it was moved and seconded that the Treas financial report be received with thanks.
A request coming from the Board of Directors that the following members be added to the Board namely Sisters Carrie Broome. Nellie Moss & Mary James. was granted
The assistant Chm of sick stated that Mrs Martin suggested that a Banner be made in honor of the founders of the union Mrs Martin was [[fostering?]] the project it was stated. that only the [[strikethrough]] Matearal [[/strikethrough]] material and letters would be expensive to the union. that the