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Federal Employes Assn has a groupe of singers who will willingly give a program and by that means raise funds to help pay the cost of same and that the union give what ever information they desire to be inscribed there on. The object is to get this banner ready by the next anniversary services after a brief discussion among the different members. it was voted upon and approved. There being no further business the meeting adjourned to meet the first Monday night in Nov.

Dismissed by the Chaplain
Philip Broome Pres 
W E Burke Secy.

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Bladensburg Md
Nov 7 - 1938

The regular monthly business meeting of the Bladensburg union was held on the above date, the meeting was called to order by the President.
After the usual form of opening with scripture & Prayer the President declared the meeting opened for business.
After the roll call of Officers we dispensed with the Minutes for the present and proceeded to take up the monthly dues which amted to $26.30 which was turned over to our treas
The Minutes of our last regular meeting was next read recd & adopted
The Chairman of sick reported Sister Martha Brown & Sister Mary J Mathews as sick. it was moved and properly seconded that the report be received.
The report from the board of directors was read by the secretary.
The Board requested the union to purchase a record book for their secretary this request was approved.
The Board Recommended that in case of accidents or cases where patients must go back and forth to Clinic for treatment that the union's Dr. Dr Spiller at the expense of the union visit patient and say whether member is elligable for continuation of dues 
The recommendation was signed by Bro Jas Gray Chm & Sister Mary James Secretary.
it was moved and seconded that the recommendation be recd for action.