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San Francisco June 8, 1866 Geo C. Walker, Esq. President Chicago Acad. of Sciences Dear Sir. I present for your consideration and for the information of the members of the academy, a rough draft, all that is safe to venture upon; of my plans for the Scientific work of the Expedition in the future. We leave San Francisco for the Far North in a few days. I have attached to the Sci. Corps. a young man Mr. Robert Caldwell, who will I hope be of much benefit to science during the coming season. I regret to say that the disbanding and consequent breaking up of the Frazer River Exploring Party from the incompetency of its commander, has retained in the wilderness beyond the possibility of doing much for Natural History, Messrs Rothrock and Elliot F. Bishoff is still at Sitka and Bannister at Michaelovski. Major Kennicott with Pease in the interior of Russian America. We have rec'd no intelligence from any of them, since our departure. Mr. Caldwell and myself leave on the flagship probably for the mouth of the Youkon and Norton Sound, where we hope to find news of Major Kennicott and party. If there should be any doubt as to their safety, I demanded and rec'd permission to accompany