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Captain Patterson
Commanding Steamer Geo S Wright
     By authority of the Engineer in Chief I am directed to furnish you with a copy of the enclosed directions with regard to the collection of specimens of Natural History and the following instructions.
     Such collection of objects of interest will be made as can be, without detriment to the service, and all specimens collected will, at the termination of the voyage, be turned over to the Director of the Scientific Corps.
     The Marine Quartermaster will take charge of specimens and equipment till such time, as they can be turned over, and account for the same.
    Due credit will be given on the books of the Smithsonian Institution and in the Annual Report to the Engineer in Chief for any and all specimens collected.
    A list of outfit accompanies this paper.  Wishing you a pleasant voyage and as much success in Scientific as in Marine Operations.
    I remain
By authority of the Engineer in Chief }

Very Respectfully
Wm H Dall
Act. Director Sci. Corps W.U.T.Ex.

C. M. Scammon
Chief of Marine