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Notebook No.2.
Jan. 1. 1872. [[Hinliuk?]], Unalashka
W.H. Dall, Act'g. Asst. [[U.F.C.F.?]]
In charge Schooner Humboldt
Bearings all magnetic!
Monday, Jan 1, 1872
Weather. | Barom. | Thermometer | Wind.
Cloudy.  | 29.136 | 30 | 32 | 25| N W strong.
The wind blows very hard during both day and evening, making, however, but little impression on the ice which prevents our visiting the tide guage.

Tuesday, January 2.
Snowy | 29.222 | 27 | 33 | 25 | NW fresh.
Spend most of the morning getting to the tide guage, the bridge between it and the shore having been carried away by the ice.

Wednesday Jany 3.

Squally | 29.150 | 30 | 30 | 24 | NW Strong.
Ice little affected by the wind but apparently thawing slightly. Snowsqualls.