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______Wednesday May, 14. 73______
Time    Bar.   Air.  Water.,  Winds
4 P.M.  29.60, 46°,   40°.     -0.27,   W.S.W.
8 " " [[ditto for P.M.]]  29.62.   40,    39.           ,   SW 
12 " " [[ditto for P.M.]]  29.61,   39,    39.           ,   SW
4 A.M.  29.50,   39,    39.           ,   SE
8 " " [[ditto for A.M.]]  29.33,   39,    40.           ,   " [[ditto for SE]]
12 M.   29.22,   39,    40.           ,   " [[ditto for SE]]
4 P.M.  29.08,   41,    41.     -0.27 ,   SW
8 P.M.  29.04,   40,    40.           ,   Calm
12 P.M. 29.01,   40,    40.           ,   W
Winds light with rain. Many birds seen (This day contains 36 hours to recommence civil time and conform with the original notebooks for the season)
______Thursday May 15______
Time.   Bar.   Air. Water.  Winds
4 A.M.  29.17. 38°. 39°.           NW
8 ""[[ditto for A.M.]]  29.35. 42.  40.            W
12""[[ditto for A.M.]]   29.46. 40.  39.            W
4 P.M.  29.56. 40.  39.    -0.265  WSW
8 "" [[ditto for P.M.]]  29.60. 35.  39. " [[ditto for WSW]]           
12 "" [[ditto for P.M.]] 29.02. 34.  39.  " [[ditto for WSW]]        
Cloudy, very light winds or nearly calm
______Friday May 16______
Time.   Bar.    Air.  Water.  Winds
4 A.M.  29.62.  33°.  39°.            WSW
8 " " [[ditto for A.M.]]  29.70.  33.   39. " [[ditto for WSW]]
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Time.   Bar.    Air.  Water.   Winds.
12. M   29.80.  38°.  38°.             WS.W.
4 P.M   29.75   42.   39.     -0.265   " [[ditto for WS.W]]
8 " " [[ditto for P.M.]]  29.78   38.   38. "[[ditto for WS.W]]
12 "" [[ditto for P.M.]] 29.79   36.   39.    " [[ditto for WS.W]]
Wind in A.M. moderate. Cloudy with snowsqualls in P.M. Sight Sannakh Island 15 miles west in the afternoon. There is a good deal more low land about this island than is apparent on the charts. In lat. 54° 23' N and Lon. 162° 08' W sound in 75 fms hard bottom. Peak of Sannakh and s end of land WSW by compass
______Saturday May 17______
Time.   Bar.   Air. Water.  Wind.
4 A.M.  29.76  35°  37°            WSW
8 A.M.  29.85  39   38             SW
12 " " [[ditto for A.M.]]  29.80  42   40    " [[ditto for SW]]
4 P.M.  29.75  46   39     -0.26   SSW
8 " " [[ditto for P.M.]]  29.78  42   39             Calm
12 " " [[ditto for P.M.]]  29.80  39   39              "
Take a series of observations to determine the position of a codbank, on which we catch a large number of cod and halibut about 9 A.M. in 38 fms  These will be found in the astronomical