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notebook. At the commencement of these circumeridian observations, take the following bearings by compass-
E end of Saunakh group      NW1/2W
W  " " " [[Dittos for: end of Saunakh]]  E island   W 3/4 N
E  " " " [[Dittos for: end of Saunakh]] Peak island   W 1/2 N
Peak bears W (Alt. by sextant 0°.41'.30"?)
W end of Peak island         W 1/2 S
Outlying rocks               W by S
20 minutes after, at end of observations having gone one mile on a W 1/2 S mag. course, take the following bearings.
Easternmost small rocks      WbyS1/2 S
" [[Ditto for: Easternmost]] end next island      W
S " " [[Dittos for: Easternmost end]] Peak " [[Ditto for: island]] W
Peak (Alt, 0°.48'.20"?)      W by N 1/2 N
E end Peak island            W N W
W  " [[Ditto for: end]] next " [[Ditto for: island]]           NW by W
E " " " [[Dittos for: end next island]] N by W 1/2 W
Breakers off last            N by W 3/4 W
Southernmost rocks           W S W
______Sunday May 18, 73 ______
Time.   Bar.  Air. Water  Wind
4 A.M.  29.82 36°   39°            N 
8 " " [[Dittos for: A.M.]] 29.89 42   38             NNW
12 M.   29.95 50   40       " " " [[Dittos for: NNW]]
4 P.M.  30.00 49   40     -0.255  WSW
8 P.M.  30.01 41   39             E
12 P.M. 30.05 38   38             NNW
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Nearly clear, very light airs or calm.  See Shishaldin & Isanotsky volcanoes.
______Monday May 19, 73______
Time.   Bar.  Air. Water  Wind
4 A.M.  30.06 35°   36°            NWbyW
8 " " [[Dittos for: A.M.]]  30.20 33   36             NW
12 " " [[Dittos for: A.M.]]   30.20 41   39 " " [[Dittos for: NW]]
4 P.M.  30.27 38   39     -0.255  NNW
8 " " [[Dittos for: P.M.]]  30.30 33   39    " [[Dittos for: NNW]]
12 " " [[Dittos for: P.M.]] 30.32 31   37             WNW
Fresh breeze, cloudy with some fog  Get through the Unimak Pass beating against a 3 knot current.  Pass the NE end of Akhun and look into the bay which Smith supposes to contain a harbor, but see nothing remarkable.
______Tuesday May 20______
Time.   Bar.  Air. Water  Wind.
4 A.M.  30.38 30°   37°            N
8 " " [[Dittos for: A.M.]]  30.38 30   36             NNE
12 " " [[Dittos for: A.M.]]   30.40 44   36     -0.255  " " " [[Dittos for: NNE]]
Come into Captains Bay about 8 A.M. and anchor in Iliuliuk Harbor about 10.30 A.M. having made the voyage in, 21 days and 12 hours, the quickest time from San Francisco