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______Sunday, Augt. 17th 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air Water Wind[[all headings underlined]]
4 AM.   30.10 48° 50°    Lt S.
8 AM.   30.10 46  48    S.
12 M.   30.10 48  48    S.
6 P.M.  30.09 50  46    S.
Wind light and unfavorable. Spend the entire day beating into Atka Harbor. Nanzan Bay.  There is a settlement and trading post of the Alaska Coml. Co at this place, and the agent came out to meet us in a skin canoe.  There is also a small settlement in the strait between Amlia and Atka on the Amlia shore, and another at the old Russian Station on Kororinsky Bay on the West side of the island.  There are in all about 334 natives in these villages.  Those which we saw, more less comfortably clothed and less neat in their persons, than those at any of the other stations we have visited.  The harbor is small with shelter from all winds, only a little swell heaving in during Northeasters.  From the high land to the S. & W. heavy squalls come down, with Southwest gales.  The anchorage is in eleven fm's sticky mud, good holding ground.  Further in it is however said to be
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not so good.  The shores are mostly rocky and the shelter is formed by many small islets.  The ground was covered with a rank growth of grass & herbage.  No vegetables are cultivated here, though appearances would indicate that they would do well, if properly attended to.
North of the harbor is a broad sand beach.  In the village there are six houses of sawed lumber and a number of huts.  The tides rise and fall from four to six feet.  There is no establishment.  Codfish and herring and a large kind of salmon and several sorts of shellfish are abundant on the west side of the island.  Many whales were seen in the bay.  Coal is said to exist on the South side of the island and on Korovinsky Bay, where there are also hot springs near the Klucheffskaia Volcano, where a resort for invalids was established by the Russians.
Sulphur, alum and several kinds of clay or bole are obtained in the vicinity of the volcanoes.
Anchor about 6 P.M. ______
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