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Angles from Eider [[triangle]].  Ascend the [[Igvgnak?]] Volcano (extinct) with Sailing-master Herendeen but the fog interferes and frustrates our proposed observations for the altitude & position of the crater.  The cone is principally of red and black scoriae and is quite steep.  The crater is about two hundred feet with a small lake at the bottom.
______Saturday, Septr. 13th 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air Water Deep do Wind [[all headings underlined]]
6 AM.   30.12 49° 47°   44°     Lt Variable
12 M.   30.14 57                E.
6 PM.   30.10 49  48            S.E.
Morning half clear, calm.  Obs. for azimuth in A.M. & P.M. Angles from stations on Hog Id.
______Sunday, Septr. 14th______
6 AM.   29.86 53° 47°   44°     S.W.
12 M.   29.88 56                S.W.
6 P.M.  29.92 54  48            S.E.
Cloudy, wind moderate and variable.
______Monday, Sept. 15th______
6 A.M.  29.89 49° 47°   44°     Calm
12 M.   29.80 50                N.
6 P.M.  29.80 48  47            N.
Wind light.  A wet fog continues all day.   
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______Tuesday, Sept. 16th 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air Water Deep do Wind [[all headings underlined]]
6 AM.   29.90 46° 46°   44 1/2° S.W.
12 M.   29.98 55                S.W.
6 P.M.  30.10 50  47            Calm.
Morning fresh S. wind and broken clouds.  Observations for azimuth.  Later cloudy with rain squalls.  Evening clears off calm, and we take obs. for azimuth on the pole-star.
______Wednesday, Sept. 17th______
6 AM.   30.29 43° 45°   44 1/2° E.
12 M.   30.23 53                S.E.
6 PM.   30.22 50  47            S.S.E.
Cloudy; light Easterly winds.  Angles between the signal used for azimuth with Polaris, and the church Cupola, and magnetic azimuth of the latter.  P.M winds fresher.  Go to Hog Id. in the large boat and finish up the angles from Swinoi [[triangle]] and the shore line of the island.
______Thursday, Septr. 18th______
6 A.M.  30.14 45° 46°   44 1/2° NE
12 M.   30.19 54                N.
6 P.M.  30.20 49  47            Lt Variable
Cloudy, early A.M. wind light; later very strong.  Obs. for magnetic azimuth.  5 P.M. Bark "Cyane", 32 days from San Francisco arrives with our first and only mail this season.