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Day with fresh wind, bad sea and more or less rain.  Under reefs.
______Saturday, Octr. 4th 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air Water Wind[[all headings underlined]]
4 AM.   28.78 47° 49°    N.W.
8 AM.   28.69 48  49    N.W.    
12 M.   28.68 48  49    N.W.
4 P.M.  28.69 48  49    W.N.W.
8 P.M.  28.69 48  48    W.N.W.
12 P.M. 28.72 47  48    W.N.W.
Blowing hard all day with rain & squalls.  Making slow headway under double reefs.
______Sunday, Octr. 5th______
4 AM.   28.78 47°  48°   N.N.W.
8 AM.   28.85 47  49    N.N.W.    
12 M.   28.92 47  48    N.N.W.
6 P.M.  28.95 45  47    N.N.W.
Wind very strong.  Day cloudy with rain squalls.  We raise the Shumagins early in the morning, and getting under the lee of the land, are enabled to work up Popoff Straits, and about half past twelve anchor in 8 fathoms in our old location in Humboldt Harbor.  Catch a good many cod fish after anchoring.__________________
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______Monday, Octr. 6th 1873.______
Time    Bar.  Air Water Deep do Wind[[all headings underlined]]
6 A.M.  29.08 44° 47°    48°     N.N.W.   
12 M.   29.14 48                N.N.W.
6 P.M.  29.16 45  45            N.W.
Day half clear with strong breezes from W.  Observations for azimuth, magnetic & astronl with Theod. No 97 & latitude with vertical circle at Sandpoint Station.  Object observed upon for azimuth is "Hill" station of our triangulation of last year.  The signals on Range Island & Sandpoint have been removed by someone, probably stolen for the lumber contained in them.  But the position of the signal at Sandpoint was readily found by means of a stake driven last year to indicate the excentric station, and Hill station being difficult to access had not been disturbed.  Drive a heavy stake to be covered when we are done observing to mark center of station. 
______Tuesday, Octr. 7th 1873.______
6 A.M.  29.15 38°  47°   48°     N.   
12 M.   29.21 53                W.
6 P.M.  29.28 49  47            W.N.W.
Nearly clear with moderate wind in early A.M.  Later strong in puffs.  Obs. at Sandpoint [[small triangle]] for Astronl & M'gnt azimuth with Theod. No 97.  Time & latitude with sextant and artificial horizon.

Transcription Notes:
Note: on page 83, astronl is undoubtedly an abbreviation for astronomical. Similarly, M'gnt is most likely an abbreviation for magnetic.