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Abstract from the speech of William Pitt, esq. on the motion for the Abolition of the Slave-Trade.

   THERE are very few of those who have spoken this night, who have not thought it their duty to declare their full and entire concurrence with my honorable friend in promoting the abolition of the slave-trade, as their ultimate object: however we may differ as to the time and manner of it, we are agreed in the abolition itself; and my honorable friends have expressed their agreement in this sentiment with that sensibility upon the subject, which humanity does most undoubtedly require.
   The point now in dispute between us is a difference merely as to the period of time at which the abolition ought to take place. I therefore congratulate this house, the country, and the world, that this great point is gained; that we may now consider this trade as having received its condemnation; that its sentence is sealed; that this curse of mankind is seen by the house in its true light; that the greatest stigma on our national character which ever yet existed, is about to be removed; and, sir (which is still more important) that mankind, I trust, in general, are now likely to be delivered from the greatest practical evil that ever has afflicted the human race-from the feverest and most extensive calamity recorded in the history of the world.
Mr. M. Montague. I shall now conclude with repeating a profession I formerly made- that I never will cease to promote the abolition of the slave-trade, with every faculty of body and mind, till the injuries of humanity are redressed, and the national character relieved from the deepest disgrace that is recorded in the annals of mankind.
Mr. C. J. Fox [in reply to Addington, speaker of the house.] If the question be, whether Britain shall retain the slave-trade and the West-India islands, or part with them both together; I do not hesitate a moment in