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April 23, 1976     2386
[[Barbura?]] gualue? flor
Men Mua, estada San José -
Mua. 36 Km N.W from Mua
(from connection with road 21 Km)

Alt. 200 m. s. m.
Black & White: roll 34 from 6 +/- to end. ([[finera?]] de [[San José?]])
& 35. from 1 to 10 +/- roll 32: 3 to 6.
Kodachrome: roll 33 from 22 to end.
Ektechrome 36 (1 to 52)
Bl. & white 35 from 1 to - [[strikethrough]] 10 +/-
FAA.: 1 large w.m. buds.
1 ver. w. m. & 1 w. m : flowers
1 50 cc leaves. (4 FAA)
[[image of arrow pointing to lower right corner of page]]