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1 (120) Boug.  flowers
1 (120) 3:1 
[[garranchus?]]-culms pieces
living plant. 
diam: 3.5 cm [[strikethrough]] near base
a 2mm. 3cm - 2cm 
[[strikethrough]] farther up. 
up to 1.5 near the top

2              11.30 m for ca
2              new culm.
2              Beautiful [[guadua?]]? or 
_  +/- dense clum at [[strikethrough]] edge of forest where they were clearing
In flower, many

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flower and also many new culms. Not seen very tall, erect plants 
most of them, [[?]] new culm bending or crawling, probably because trees were cut?
Thick culms, old ones up to 3.5, [[strikethrough]] smooth or slightly [[anferous?]] below node. Culm solid or almost so in lower part of culm and in upper thin branches otherwise very thick walls, small [[bohe?]] in [[clutes?]].

Transcription Notes:
Boug. possibly stands for bougainvillea?