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[[Culm?]] sheath thicker, strong [[?]], [[string?]] [[?]]. Light beige, [[outside?]] . [[?]] [[?]] little [[?]] blade range to 1/2 half or short of whole [[?]] no [[?]] from blade & sheath. [[drawing of a small square with a triangle on top]]. From outside. 

Very strong marked [[?]] zone with 2 ridge [[drawing of a square]] and [[?]]  [[?]]. One bud x [[?]] well above longer ridge in the middle of 2_. Each give one [[fork?]] repeated (very noticeable)

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at same end [[underline]]one[[/underline]] refine [[?]] (sometimes 2) in upper woods. 
[[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] very well below leaf [[?]] large, [[?]], [[strikethrough]] [[ ? ]] [[/strikethrough]] broad blades [[?]] white [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] and [[?]].

Many, very [[?]] [[Sph.]]  very thick and damp. May in [[?]] 6 large purple [[?]] [[?]] +- [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] mostly [[flowers?]]  also purple. 

Culm sheath [[deciduous?]]  easily.