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3e hojas larger flor orquidea.) - Very abundant, dominant in some places in the forest, in other places in asociation with Merotachy ([[sword?]] leaf) Climbing, crawling, all over the trees or ground. Culm curved, bending or decumben, erect only when climbing [[strikethrough]] thin or medium very hard and flexible solid [[underline]] , very hard, (no Atract. struc-ture seen) In some [[end page]] [[start page]] young culms can be seen all over [[renculas?]]bundles In some main branches high up in plant a little hole seen in the middle. Very [[strikethrough]] smooth surface all the way even top. Does not produce branches very low and when start to produce, it [[strikethrough]] does [[strikethrough]] not [[strikethrough]] in every single node [[arrow pointing to right edge of page]] - .27-.37 cm longitud of internodes diameter culm .1 cm