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Pale beige when dried falling. [[over?]]. Leaf blades of foliage large, thick, smooth. Olyra type with petiole and [[base?]]. pretty violet, dark color. +/- Dense but small [[clums?]] Culm arching and bending over vegetation [[diagonal line divided into segments with numbers:]] X [[fir?]] 1 - 2 - 2 - [[ramos?]] X 1.5 - 2 - [[text written to right of diagonal line:]] 8.5 m. or [1e?]] Thick branches but not thick nodes. [[end page]] [[start page]] FAA: 2 vials leav. & buds. [[garroules?]] colect. culm pieces colected Photo: [[strikethrough]] B&W. roll 38. [[entero?]] Ekto. roll 37. 1/2 +/- from 16 +/- to end. internodes: +/- 29-38 cm long.