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but stay at the office and write and help Schumacher. P.M. dine with Capt. Noyes & call on Mrs Newton, with Miss Noyes in P.M. Monday Dec 22 Buy some cigars and a present for Capt. Noyes. Down to office & see Capt. Herendeen. Stearns being sick. See Barstow. Go down to Stearns then round to Carmanys. back to office see Mrs. Dr. Scott, then to dinner & over to Stearn's. Take Miss Stearns to the Hall and proceed with the Agassiz memorial exercises & back to Stearns. Tuesday Dec 23 Up to office. Day clear & cold Send LeConte's paper to Stearns. Work at office over Kodiak Meterology Go down to Garetts & look at sounding apparatus. Go to bank and back to office. Down to dinner. P.M. Call with Baker at Mr. Abram Hall's. Wednesday Dec 24 Letter and a beautiful pair of slippers from Sadie. Meet Stetson & Rogers & Capt. Hall comes up to the office. get my charts. four of which are out. Stearns comes to