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and white with pinck spots.  
Get Glottidia albida free with ease in 40-60 fms.  Bendel & M. Baker go to Johnistons ranch & bring back a mortar & pestle, & have a good time generally.  Play crib in P.M.
Sunday Feb. 1, 1874
Day fine, work over yesterdays dredgings on the beach in P.M.
Monday Feb 2
Carry the boat over and dredge on the north side of the islands, dont get much.  P.M. Overhaul dredgings - Send party to Johnistons ranch they get a few store things
Tuesday, Feb 3
Weather bad.  Haul out but do not go to sea on account of the heavy Westerly wind blowing.  Hunt snails most of the day - Evening ditto
Wednesday Feb 4
Get out early in A.M for San Miguel - Wind dead ahead beating to windward all day -
Thursday Feb 4
Fetch in toward Santa Barbara in P.M.  Write Mother Mrs. Elmer & [[Uhly?]]
Land Smith & get some papers.  Stand off shore, but wind falls calm and we get but a little way
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9 04[[strikeout]]
                   Let go
9h. 05  -          15 fms out
    29             52
   11 miles SW by W1/2W of Miss San Beunaventura

N. End Santa Cruz      S.W.7/8W
E   "  Anacapa         S.E.
Santa Barbara Mission  N.W. by W.
Pt Mugio (?)           E 1/8 S.