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P.M. plat the same.
[[line]]Wednesday June 17 [[line]]
Day rainy & foggy with fresh SE wind. Mr. Baker goes after clams & Capt Herendeen after fossil leaves both tolerably successful. Work over platting. Semidi Islands. Finish plat. Buy five quarters of reindeer meat from the natives. 
Evening about 10 P.M. clears up partially with strong westerly wind.
[[line]] Thursday June 18 [[line]]
Cloudy, a little sun early in the day with high variable wind Obs. for time with sextant & vertical circle in A.M. P.M. observations frustrated by clouds rain at intervals. Go ashore & collect fossils & pack them in A.M. P.M. work over sketches of stations
[[line]] Friday June 19 [[line]]
Day variable mostly broken clouds with occasional rain & fresh SW wind. P.M. late, heavy rain & squalls. A.M. observations for time. Latitude frustrated by clouds. P.M. hor-

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From under High Bluff
June 19th P.M.

Edge middle Pena  N 32.0.180
Edge Sutkoom "    12.18. N45 192.17
[[strikethrough]] " Id [[strikethrough]]
                  30.53. N 62 3/4    54
N  " Bay Id       40.59. N[[?]] 2[[?]] 
S  "  "   "       44.25.76 1/4 224.25
Little Id         45.35.77 1/2   36
Astr. [[triangle]]816.41. 296   41
                   S 330. 3/4


izontal angles &c for getting the latitude by an assumed position, ended by rain. Send Mr. Bailey out dredging but he does not get much at 11 A.M. sound the anchorage with Capt. Herendeen
[[line]] Saturday June 20 [[line]]
Day cloudy & rainy. work over magnetics & drafts of stations
Clears off in the evening and we go ashore and get latitude by Polaris & time by [[strikethrough]] [[Speca?]] [[/strikethroguh]] arcturus and attempt azimuth but the dampness is so great that we give that up. Return about 1 A M
[[line]] Sunday June 21 [[line]]
Rainy all day. Blowing a SEter outside. Work over descriptions of stations.