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[[Letterhead, which is also present on the next several pages]] Vancouver, B.C. Seattle, Wash. San Francisco, Cal [[Image of fishing boat on the water with five standing people and perhaps a child. One person is at stern with a long pole. On the horizon are mountains and clouds behind the scene. Several other small boats are present Above the scene is a rope arch with a circular loop at either end. Inside the left loop is the inscription "Subscription $2.00 per Year Foreign Countries $2.50 per Year". In the right loop is the inscription "Devoted to the Commercial Fisheries" [[/Image]] Pacific Fisherman Miller Freeman, Publisher. John N. Cobb, Editor. Russell Palmer, Manager. Seattle, Washington, December 14, 1914. Address all communications to Pacific Fisherman [[/Letterhead]] My dear Waldo: Yours of the 7th instant received. I wrote you at Washington some days ago with respect to the mushy fish in the cargo of the San Juan. Also sent you a copy of the November number. The latter contains the whole of Thompson's preliminary report on the Life history of the Halibut. To-morrow I will mail you another copy of the November number. Mighty glad to hear that you still think married life is the only thing. With kindest regards from all, I remain, Sincerely yours, [[Signature of John N. Cobb]]