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mmmmmmm U. S. S. ALBATROSS, Sausalito, Calif., November 12, 1914. Dear Mr. Cobb: As my old Mammy used to say, "if the Lord's willing, and nothing happens," I'll be married Thursday, the nineteenth of November! I'm just about the happiest man alive! I want to [[Strikeout]] /v/t [[/Strikeout]] to thank you for that list of "trips" you sent me. I know it was a [[spaces left, probably for "hell"]] of a job, and there is but one [[strikeout]] mmmmmmmmmmm [[/Strikeout]] question more I'd like to ask: Can you find out from the skipper of the "San Juan" (or any one else), how many fish were dumped from their 110,000. I am considering the fish dumped as mushy; am I correct in this assumption? Can you tell me where I can reach Chamberlain? Is he still at Tucson? Give my best to the home folks, and remember me to the "girls" and Ward. I saw O'Malley while he was down here. Will you be so kind as to ask Miss Wright to give me a picture of my namesake, the "pig." Sincerely, [[From the marks on the paper, this appears to be a carbon copy, there is no signature]]