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[[Same Letterhead as on Page 1]]

August 14, 1914

My dear Waldo:

Yours of August 6 received, and I have written to San Francisco in an endeavor to secure the information you wish with respect to the Zillah May.  I see by the papers that she struck on Point Arena and has been towed into S. F. for repairs.  She lost her rudder.

I hear the Albatross is expected here about the 21st. Maybe she will arrive then and maybe she wont.  Who can tell?

Tongue and Hatton have been released on bail and I understand are on their way to San Francisco.  Will likely be tried at Valdez this fall.

The ladies in our neighborhood inquire about you and Rankin very frequently, and wish that you were here now to enjoy the good dry weather.
I hope you will have better weather the rest of your stay and be able to accomplish something. 
Mrs. Cobb and Genevieve join with me in sending regards to Rankin and yourself.

    Sincerely yours,

   [[signature]] John N. Cobb [[/signature]]