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pottery among the rudely cemented together by a sandy ferruginous matrix. The iron is derived from springs near by and characteristic of these shores The deposit is without doubt late quaternary. At the mouth of Little Sarasota Inlet are coquina rocks which extend some way out to sea on each side of the narrow pass. It is said this is the only locality for such rock on the west coast north of Cape Sable At White beach, one of the oyster bars in Little Sarasota Bay are internal casts of Ostrea Mytilus, Cardium, Venus' etc. this seems to me from the [[end page]] [[start page]] fossils, not having visited the locality, older than post pliocene to which Mr. Heilprin referred it. Feb. 18.1887 Drove over to Dr. Koehler's which is near South Creek about a mile from where it reaches the bay. Here there is a continuation of the shell bed noted on the bay, shore, but not ferruginous. Below it in the sand are large pieces of the quaternary phosphatic rock like that at Sarasota and Enterprise with some marine shells and also polygyra etc in it. A little east of this place the banks are higher and contain more shells, perhaps an old mound. The salt water reaches