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[[circled]] 102 [[/circled]]
Central Cordillera Columbia 102
August 1, 1965

Going to work this morning in the fist place I worked a few months ago - i.e. the place where Cy, Ater, Laf and CC all occurred together
Arrive 5:31 am. Still quite dark cold sky partly cloudy Some fog in distance, coming up from Moscopan.

Everything very quiet. First bird sounds 5:47 am. Thrush alarm calls. But these calls continue for only a few minutes. Then there is silence again.

6:00 am. A [[underline]] few [[/underline]] miscellaneous bird sounds in distance. But things in general still remarkably quiet. Certainly [[underline]] most species cannot be breeding here now [[/underline]].

[[left margin, in red]] VIII? [[/left margin]] See a green hummingbird, presumably no. VIII, feeding on small red flowers. Incidentally, the dark red cup shaped flowers which were so common here a few months ago seem to be rare or absent now.

6:06 am. Hear one [[underline]] Poecilothraupis [[/underline]] "Song" in distance 
6:27. Hear [[underline]] Dubusia [[/underline]] in distance.

[[left margin, in red]] 1 [[/left margin]] Then see [[red checkmark]] single Firebelly alone, 20 ft up in tree above low sparse scrub. Uttering soft "CN"s Flies off immediately.

[[left margin]] I HO Sitti 9 13 17 [[/left margin]] 6:50 am. A large mixed flock suddenly appears Includes at least [[two green checkmarks]] [[in purple]] 1 [[/in purple]] 2 [[underline]] Pseudospingus  [[/underline]], [[two green checkmarks]] [[in purple]] 2 [[/in purple]] 2 [[underline]] Buthraupis eximia [[/underline]], [[three green checkmarks]] [[in purple]] 3 [[/in purple]] 3 Yellowfaces, [[two green checkmarks]] [[in purple]] 4 [[/in purple]] 2 White bearded Flycatchers, [[two green checkmarks]] [[in purple]] 5 [[/in purple]] 2 Firebellies, [[green checkmark]] [[in purple]] 6 [[/in purple]] 1 Yellowbelly, [[green checkmark]] [[in purple]] 7 [[/in purple]] 1 [[underline]] Dubusia [[/underline]], [[green checkmark]] [[in purple]] 8 [[/in purple]] 1 Sitti, [[three green checkmarks]] others.  Flock moving very rapidly in one direction. [[underline]] Very coherent. [[/underline]] All birds cited above ranging thru trees and taller bu