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[[circled]] 109 [[/circled]]

[[left margin in green]] 11 [[/left margin]]

1 [[green checkmark]]  Pseudospingus, 30 ft up in tree - trop 6:30 am.

[[left margin in green]] 15 [[/left margin]]

One little "sub-group" 3 [[3 green checkmarks]] Yellowbellies, 1 PL [[green checkmark]] Atlapetes 20 ft up in same tree.

Group as a whole still not completely coherent 6:36 am 

Bird noises declining a little 6:39. Have some already gone uphill??? 

[[left margin in green]] 16 [[/left margin]]

See 1 or 2 [[green checkmark]] Flycatchers LXXXXI, apparently more or less isolated, 10 ft up in scrub.

Then see "sub-group" at least 7 or 8 birds quite close together in distant trees. Most are unidentifiable. But at least one is certainly Cy.[[left margin in red and green]] Cy 17 23 [[/left margin]]
 Cy [[green checkmark]] f [[right arrow]] group. Aha! At least one of the other birds in this sub-group is Yellowface. [[five green checkmarks]]

Then, 6:50, see single [[green checkmark]] [[underlined]] Firebelly [[/underlined]] fly into tall tree. Perches 40 ft up.
[[left margin in green]] 24 25 [[/left margin]] (I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] this is first time I have seen Firebelly in this area.) At least one other small bird (unidentified, but [[green checkmark]] warbler-like) j [[right arrow]] Firebelly. Then Firebelly flies away. The other bird does [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] follow.
Everything relatively quiet 6:55 am.

COMMENT: I know that the preceding notes and descriptions are very poor. [[left margin in green]] 35 [[/left margin]] Certainly, I have seen only [[10 green checkmarks]] a [[underlined]] small [[/underlined]] fraction of the birds moving around here this morning. And I am not really sure what has happened. Certainly there have been a great many individuals of a great many species moving around within an area of (no more than) 100 (or 150) yds x 100 (or 150) yds. And certainly many more or less small mixed flocks have been formed from time to time. But many of these seem to have been rather "evanescent." I am not sure that any very [[underlined]] large, coherent, [[/underlined]] flock has been formed. If it has been formedd, it has been done uphill, away from the road. Partly out of