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[[circled]] 122 [[/circled ]]

[[left margin, in red]] 14 [[/left margin]]

Yellowfaces still singing NODWA.

Then see [[two red checkmarks]] pair Blue & Oranges, 3 - 5 ft up, in bush 20 ft from where yellowbelly seen a few seconds ago.  Silent. Alone. Fly off.

[[left margin, in red]] Laf? [[/left margin]]

Hear first Atlapetes Songs in distance 6:21. NODWA. Then [[re?]] Yellowface. NODWA.  Then, 6:28am, hear what [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] be some brief snatches of Laf Song in distance.  Interspersed among Yellowface Songs.  Definitely [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] overlapping.

Cloud cover continuous now.  But no wind.

See a couple more single Sooty Thrushes alone.  10 ft up in trees.

6:38. Now hear several Yellowfaces Singing, overlapping on another. Then shut up.  Then hear, Atlapetes Song.  NODWA.

[[left margin, in purple]] X HO [[/left margin]]
[[left margin, in red]] Cy Cy [[/left margin]]
[[left margin, in green]] 134 [[/left margin]]

6:44. See definite mixed flock.  Approximately same place Yellowbelly and Blue & Oranges seen earlier today.  Group now includes at least [[two green checkmarks]] two Yellowbellies, [[two green checkmarks]] two Blue & Oranges, one [[green checkmark]] Cy, one [[green checkmark]] PL. Almost certainly others.  Yellowbellies, Blue & Oranges, Cy ranging 4 - 8 ft up in scrub.  Cy eating small white berries. PL on ground. Group as a whole noisy.  Coherent.  Yellowbellies in lead.  All others follow

[[left margin, in purple]] XI HO [[/left margin]]
[[left margin, in green]] 136 [[/left margin]]

These must be same birds seen in flock yesterday.

I am going further along path now.

6:58. Area of bamboo scrub and scattered tall trees.  Where GT-Spectacled Atlapetes flock seen yesterday. 9200 ft according to my altimeter now.  When I arrive there are a [[two green checkmarks]] couple of small brown coers 30 - 40ft up in trees.  (This is the same species seen everywhere around here - including with first large mixed flock yesterday.  Generally dull medium brown.  Lighter, more buffy, below.  Light buffy superciliary stripe.) One of the wrens Singing madly.  Long, faint, high pitched Twitters (These are the songs which fooled me on the west side of Purace a few