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[[circled]] 133 [[/circled]]

[[left margin, in red]] 14 [[/left margin]]
[[left margin, in purple]] V HO [[/left margin]]
[[left margin, in green]] 104 105 106 108 109 [[/left margin]]

Then [[red checkmark]] Dubusia flies into tree which Atlapetes has just vacated.  This should be considered [[underlined]] joining. rufinucha [[/underlined]] moves on. Dubusia does [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] follow.  Just perches 6 ft up.  Then 2 [[two green checkmarks]] [[in purple]] 1 [[/in purple]] CC's and 2 [[two green checkmarks]] [[in purple]] 2 [[/in purple]] [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] j [[right arrow]] Dubusia!  All in same tree. 4 - 8 ft up.  No obvious reactions between the birds of different species.  All quiet.  Then [[green checkmark]] [[in purple]] 3 [[/in purple]] single Andean Sparrow j [[right arrow]] group!  Then 2 [[two green checkmarks]] [[in purple]] 4 [[/in purple]] [[underlined]] rufinuchas [[/underlined]] j [[right arrow]] group!  (One of these obviously is the bird that the Dubusia joined earlier.  The other obviously is its mate.) Then [[green checkmark]] [[in purple]] 5 [[/in purple]] single Yellowface j [[right arrow]] group!  All birds quiet.  All perched [[underlined]] close [[/underlined]] together in tree.  No obvious hostility.  Birds change perches from time to time.  Sometimes a change by one induces other(s) to move, But these reactions obviously [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] supplants.  Every once in a while, the Dubusia, the Yellowface, the CC's, and/or the [[underlined]] rufinuchas [[/underlined]] make a little excursion to one or the other of the nearby bushes.  Apparently to feed.  But always go back to original tree, within a few seconds, to behave as before.  [[underlined]] I have never seen an obviously highly integrated mixed flock so stationary. [[/underlined]] 

[[left margin, in red]] 15 [[/left margin]]

Then [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] CC [[red checkmark]] leaves group. 6:09. Moves up hill thru hedge-like scrub.  Silent.  Ranging 6 - 10 ft up.  the other birds do [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] follow - [[underlined]] not even the other CC! [[/underlined]]

Then, 6:15, the group as a whole begins to move.  Downhill (i.e. in [[underlined]] opposite [[/underlined]] direction from the CC which left earlier).  This movement is [[underlined]] initiated [[/underlined]] by [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] . But then the leadership changes frequently and rapidly.  Dubusia, CC, and Yellowface all in lead at different times. 
Group still seem coherent during movement.  Birds often only a few inches from one another.  Still quiet.  Group disappears from my view almost immediately.

[[underlined]] This flock certainly was formed instantaneously !!! [[/underlined]]