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[[circled]] 13 [[/circled]]

NOTE: The Whitebeards here seem smaller than in all or most other parts of the Andes. Presumably another species of the same genus

Fog very thick now, 5:37. Everything quiet. 

5:42. There is a sudden outburst of bird noises. At least 3 species. Not particularly close together. Fog still thick. 

But then [underlined] fog lifts and sounds stop [/underlined] almost simultaneously. 

See another single [male symbol] Albi, silent and alone, 2 - 4 ft up 

[[left margin in red]] Albi [[/left margin]] 

scrub edge USTF. This would appear to be [underlined] optimal [/underlined] habitat for Albis. (And I should stress that the scrub here is much denser - and apparently wetter - than the scrub under the Thalass Singing trees where I worked this morning.

Starting down hill 6:05 pm.

NOTE: For purposes of statistics, this afternoon's observations should be counted only from 4:20 pm (to 6:05)

August 15, 1967
Santa Marta Region

Going to work along "highway" again this morning. 


8:50 am. Just below where "the" flock usually seen . Very mixed vegetation edge road. Come across small group.
[[left margin in blue]] 14 [[/left margin]] Includes 2 [[2 checkmarks]] [[insert,in pencil]] 106 [[/insert]] [[insert,in blue]] 1 [[/insert]] Bright Ruddy fly catchers. Flycatching at all levels, 2 - 25 ft up. At least 1 [[check mark]] [[insert,in pencil]] 107 [[/insert]] [[insert,in blue]] 2 [[/insert]] "Brown Whitestart." Flycatching from ground and in scrub 2 - 6 ft up. [[check mark]] 1 [[insert,in pencil]] 108 [[/insert] [[insert,in blue]] 3 [[/insert]] Slate-throat, flycatching and picking insects off leaves, in scrub 2 - 12 ft up. Also family of 3 [[insert,in blue]] 4 [[/insert]] [[3 check marks]] [[insert,in pencil]] 111 [[/insert]] Cheek Atl