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[[circled]] 19 [[/circled]]

in all the time. We also are getting little showers of rain. At least when it is not raining, we hear a lot more birds noises than the day before yesterday, when the weather was better

Reach 8075 ft 2:55 pm

Go on up to 8200 ft+. But all the higher part is very dense bamboo scrub and second growth forest (thin saplings very close together. Doesn't look very promising.

And then the rain comes down in buckets!!! We have to turn tail and retreat to the station.

Rain eventually stops. So I go for a walk along "highway". Reach first patch of scrub just above station 4:50 pm.

See a group of 2 [[2 checkmarks]] [[insert,in pencil]] 61 [[/insert]] Cheek Atlapetes. 3 - 6 ft up mixed scrub. But apparently alone.

[[left margin in red]] Albi [[/left margin]]  [[left margin in blue]] 23 [[/left margin]]

5:05 pm. A little further along. Another area of very mixed scrub.  See group of 3 [[3 checkmarks]] [[insert,in pencil]] 194 [[/insert]] [[insert,in blue]] 1 [[/insert]]  Cheek Atlapetes (incl. 1 juv. ), 1 [[checkmark]] [[insert,in blue]] 2 [[/insert]] [[insert,in pencil]] 195 [[/insert]] Slatethroat, 1 [[checkmark]] [[insert,in pencil]] 196 [[/insert]] [[insert,in blue]] 3 [[/insert]] [[male symbol]] Albi.  All ranging 2 - 10 ft up.  Cheeks seem to be nuclear.  Very conspicuous.  Juv. begging all the time.  But they certainly are [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] in lead. [[male symbol]] Albi j [[right arrow]] group. 

[[left margin in red]] Albi [[/left margin]]

Slate-throat f [[right arrow]] [[male symbol]] Albi.

Also around in the same neighborhood, but only briefly, are a single [[checkmark]] [[insert,in pencil]] 197 [[/insert]] [[insert,in blue]] 4 [[/insert]] Bright Ruddy Flycathcer and a [[checkmark]] [[insert,in pencil]] 198 [[/insert]] [[insert,in blue]] 5 [[/insert]] small hummingbird - probably XX.  (It differs, I think, from the other XX's seen earlier in that the rufous or cinnamon of the chin and throat is "cut off" abruptly at the middle-lower part of the breast - instead of "dribbling" down onto the abdomen.  But this might well be an individual variation.  Or my earlier observations may have been wrong.) I think that both the Ruddy and