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[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]

up with and pass the Yellow-bellies. "Leapfrogging".)

10:50 am.  Twitter up hill, along a ravine, come across what is undoubtedly the same mixed flock.  Behaving as before - except this time I hear that the Yellow-bellies are uttering lots of soft "Seeeet" Notes  once PL f [[right arrow]] Yellow-belly.  There also is a 

[[margin in red]] Glor [[/margin]]
[[margin in green]] 8 [[/margin]]

single [[green checkmark, blue checkmark]] Glor in the neighborhood.  Once it [[underlined]] seems [[/underlined]] to f [[right arrow]] Yellowbelly.  Possibly coincidental.  In any case, the Glor [[blue checkmark]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 2 [[/insert]] soon moved on by itself.

[[margin in purple]] III HO [[/margin]]

Incidentally, this area is at least as high as Teleferico Station #2.

[[margin in blue]] II 3 [[/margin]]
[[margin green]] 12 13 [[/margin]]
[[margin in red]] Glor 3 [[/margin]]

[[2 green checkmarks]] PL's and [[2 green checkmarks]] Yellowbellies still together 11:10 am.  1 PL f [[right arrow]] Yellowbelly.  [[underlined]] 1 Glor j [[/underlined]] [[right arrow]]. Then [[red checkmark]] Glor leaves again.  Others do not follow

12:10 pm.  Somewhat further on. Come across loose association[[margin in green]] 17 [[/margin]][[2 green and 2 blue checkmarks]]
 [[circled in pencil]] 1 [[/circled]] 2 Yellow-bellies. Associated with [[2 green checkmarks]] [[circled in pencil]] 2 [[/circled]] [[2 blue checkmarks]] White-bearded Flycatchers[[margin in purple]] IV N [[/margin]]]
Once White-beard follows [[right arrow]] Yellowbelly.  There also is a 

[[margin in red]] Glor [[/margin]]
[[margin in green]] 18 [[/margin]]

single [[green checkmark]] [[circled in pencil]] 3 [[/circled]] Glor, feeding on bamboo, fairly low, about 50 ft away.  It [[underlined] may [[/underlined]] be following the Yellow-belly - White-beard in a casual, irregular,

[[left margin in blue]] 5 NHO III [[/left margin]]
[[left margin in green]] 19 [[/left margin]]

way.  About 150 ft away from the Yellow-bellies (and about 50 ft away from the Glor) is a single " [[1 green 1 blue and 1 pencil checkmark]] Red [[circled in pencil]] 4 [[/circled]] Woodpecker" [[underlined]] (LXXV) [[/underlined]].  Apparently not paying attention to any other bird.  About 20 ft from the Woodpecker (and some distance as Woodpecker from Glor and Yellow-bellies)

[[margin in green]] 20 [[/margin]]

is at least one [[1 green 1 blue and 1 pencil checkmark]] [[circled in pencil]] 5 [[/circled]] PL Atlapetes.  It doesn't seem to be paying any attention to any other birds.  But it is just conceivable that it is following the Woodpecker.

[[margin in red]] 5 [[/ margin]]

12:30 pm.  Going downhill.  Come across a pair of [[2 blue, 2 red, 2 pencil checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 4 [[/circled]] PL Atlapetes.  Silent.  Definitely alone.  These may be the same individuals seen alone earlier today.