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[[circled]] 5 [[/circled]]

[[left margin in red]] Gen [[/left margin]]

tree. 20 ft above ground.  Singing at fairly frequent but irregular intervals Songs reminiscent of Unduavi birds, but shorter. Also less [[underlined]] lafremayei [[/underlined]] - like.

Quite a lot of the grayish thrushes (same as on Pico Espejo) around.  In pairs or as single birds.

Everything very quiet 7:15 am.

The montane cotingas are in flocks, but by themselves alone (Even though they are conspicuous and quite noisy).

7:48 am. A single PL Atlapetes hops by.  In open grass.  Apparently alone.  But just conceivably following a pair of Andean Sparrows. 

[[left margin in red]] 3 [[/left margin]]

Correction.  Now see that there are [[2 red  2 blue and 2 pencil checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 3 [[/circled]] 2 PL's.  Presumably mates. Going their own sweet way thru area low sparse scrub.  Ignoring Andean Sparrows.  Not being followed by anything either.  One or both utter lots of thin, weak, high "Seeeeet" Notes.  The leading PL also utters occasional brief bursts of "chatter" and R.

They both fly into slightly higher vegetation.  Move around 3 - 5ft above ground.  Fall silent at same time

There don't seem to be any Yellow-bellies around.  (I haven't seen one this morning.)

[[left margin in red]] 5 [[/left margin]]

8:03.  Another area.  Come across another [[2 red checkmarks written over pencil ones and 2 blue checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 5 [[/circled]] pair PL's.  Also moving thru low sparse scrub.  Also noisy and apparently alone!

[[left margin in red]] 6 [[/left margin]]

8:26.  See a single [[underlined]] Thraupis [[1 red, 1 blue, 1 pencil checkmark]] [[circled in blue]] 6 [[/circled]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] bathing in water on leaves of tall tree.  Apparently alone.  Ignores cotinga 10 ft away, and does not follow the latter when it flies away.  A few minutes later, flies off in another direction.

[[left margin in red]] 9 [[/left margin]]

8:43.  Come across group of [[3 red checkmarks, 3 pencil checkmarks, 3 blue checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 9 [[/circled]] [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]] PL Atlapetes.  Exactly where pair seen earlier (probably I overlooked the third bird earlier).  Presumably fam

Transcription Notes:
lafremayei found in web search