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[[circled]] 8 [[/circled]]

Nothing at all of any interest 6:35 am. 

[[left margin in red]] 15 19 Albi 20 [[/left margin]]

Hear first Whitestart roughly 6:46. One short phrase. [[1 red, 1 blue, 1 pencil checkmark]] [[red]] 15 [[/red] [[circled in green]] 17 [[/circled]] The bird passes right by a noisy group of [[4 red and 4 blue checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 21 [[/circled]] 4 or 5 disputing White-bearded Flycatchers. Also passes about 10 ft away from single [[female symbol]] [[1 red and 1 blue checkmark]] [[circled in blue]] 22 [[/circled]] Albi feeding quietly in bush. The Whitestart remains silent for some minutes thereafter.

[[left margin in red]] 22 [[/left margin]] [[left margin in blue]] 2 [[/left margin]]

Then, 7:00 am., a group of [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] appears. [[2 blue, 2 red, 2 blue, 2 pencil checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 24 [[/circled]] 2 or 3 individuals In distance, passing rapidly uphill (as in 1962). Apparently [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]](XI). [[underlined]] Very noisy. [[/underlined]] Uttering lots of Rattles and Rattly-flourishes. 

[[left margin in pencil]] I [[/left margin]] [[left margin in purple]] I N [[/left margin]]

Apparently quite alone at first. But then the [[underlined]] [[2 blue checkmarks]] Whitestart drifts over in their direction. [[/underlined]] Probably comes within 20 ft of them. 

[[left margin in blue]  3 [[/left margin]] 

Also, the Whitestart begins to sing again. Utters several phrases. Apparently stimulated by the [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] sounds. But there is little or no overlap between the vocalizations of the two species.

[[left margin in red]] 23 [[/left margin]]

The [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] soon move off. [[1 red and 1 blue checkmark]] [[/circled in blue]] 25 [[/circled]] Whitestart apparently remains behind. Utters occasional song phrase at irregular intervals.

This was a nice "beginning" of the attempt to form a mixed flock which didn't quite come off.

[[left margin in red]] 27 [[/left margin]]

Incidentally, these [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] ignored a [[[4 red and 4 blue checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 29 [[/circled]] group of noisy White-bearded Flycatchers (probably same group seen earlier). In general, the White-beards are both noisy and conspicuous in their movements. Have great variety of vocalizations. But they are [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] attractive to other species. I.E. conspicuousness is [[underlined]] not enough, [[/underline]] per se. Also, I.E., this suggests that the reactions of other species to [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] types are [[underlined]] special inter-specific preferences. [[/underlined]]

[[left margin in red]] 31 [[/left margin]]

7:20. Come across small flock of [[underlined]] Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys. [[/underlined]] [[1 pencil, 1 blue, 4 red checkmarks]] 1 adult [[male symbol]], [[3 pencil, 3 blue checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 33 [[/circled]] 3 [[female symbol]]'s or juvs. Sitting quietly top dead tree. Quite silent. Definitely alone. Soon fly away (not in same direction as the