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[[circled]] 32 [[/circled]] 

10:41. See single BCBT, apparently alone.

Then see 3 [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline]] alone in tree top.

Leaving 11:05 am.

I. All in all, I don't think that the social behavior of most of the birds here has changed very much since September of 1962. Probably one of the reasons I have seen very few well-integrated, closely-knit, mixed flocks this year is that I have seen very little of the [[underline]] luteoviridis [[/underline]] - types and nothing of the gray-headed [[underline]] Basileuterus. [[/underline]] These may be the only two species which "inspire" the formation of close flocks.

II. As far as my observations this year go, they confirm my earlier impression that there are really two types of mixed flocks here: "tree-top" and "bush."

In my final report, I will be able to discuss and compare only the "bush" flocks in detail. I shall ignore the "tree-top" flocks as much as possible.

Of the species observed at some length during this trip, probably only [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline]] is a frequent member of "tree-top" flocks. (Of course, it also occurs in "bush" flocks.)

April 12, 1965


(Not Much)

[[note in red]] SEE NOTE AT END OF DIGLOSSINI SECTION [[end note]] [[end page]] [[notes in red in left margin at top: 107, 110]]