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[[circled]] 35 [[/circled]] 

A few, minor, miscellaneous bird sounds 6:13 am. Then greater volume and variety 6:19. There is really a [[underlined]] lot [[/underlined]] of bird noise by 6:25. Including Songs by a number of species. [[underlined]] Many of the birds here must be in breeding condition now. [[/underlined]]

6:58. See a single Sooty Thrush alone. 25 ft up in tree. Then see another single Sooty Thrush alone in low second growth scrub.

Then see 2 [two pencil, 2 blue checkmarks]] [[circled,in blue]] 2 [[/circled]] PL's alone. Obviously disputing. Chasing one another. With "twitters" and R's.

7:03 am. See mixed flock - of a sort. In tall trees above pasture. Group includes 3 [[3 pencil, 3 blue checkmarks]] [[underlined]] "luteoviridis [[/underlined]] -types" in one tree, and a single [[1 blue 1 pencil checkmark]] Coer in 

[[left margin in red]] Coer [[/left margin]]

another tree, 4 ft away. All birds apparently picking insects off leaves. 

[[left margin in pencil]] I [[/left margin]]

Ranging 15 - 25 ft up. Coer silent. [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]]-types noisy.

[[underlined]] The luteoviridis-types certainly are not same species seen at Agua Bonita in Eastern Cordillera Colombia a few days ago!!! [[/underlined]] Uttering very different calls. More or less typical [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] Rattles and Flourishes. [[underlined]] Not at all Slate-throat-like. [[/underlined]] Also duller in color. Dull yellow (washed with grayish olive) below. Rather broad superciliaries of the same dull yellow. Generally dull olive above. (Can't tell if crown is noticeably grayer than back or not.) Bill looks slightly large and "coarse." I.E. these birds might be [[underlined]] Hemispingus. [[/underlined]] But they certainly are [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] very much larger than the Coer.
[[margin,in red]] Coer [[/margin]]

[[left margin in red]] Coer [[/left margin]]

Then Coer [[1 pencil, 1 blue checkmark]] [[circledin blue]] 3 [[/circled]] flies off into low scrub 1 - 3 ft up, across road. [[three blue, three pencil checkmarks]] [[circled in blue]] 6 [[/circled]] The [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] - types certainly do [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] follow. Eventually, they move off, thru trees, in a quite different direction.

[[left margin in red]] Inter [[/left margin]]

Then, 7:19 am, I see a single Inter. [[1 pencil, 1 blue checkmark]] [[circled in blue]] 7 [[/circled]] First perched 30 ft up in dead tree. [[underlined]] Apparently quite alone. [[/underlined]] About 30 yds from the [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] -types in one direction, at least 50 yds from the PL Atlapetes ([[underlined]] still fighting [[/underlined]] in