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[[circled]] 48 [[/circled]]

8:56. Then the WM's reappear!  Obviously same individuals seen earlier.  3 ft up in bamboo scrub.  Apparently following [[right arrow]] [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] and/or [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] - Yellowbelly "cluster"!!!

[[left margin in red]] Albi [[/left margin]]

Then [[male symbol]] Albi "escorts" WM's briefly.  Disappears

[[left margin in green]] 44 [[/left margin]] [[left margin in blue]] VII N H O. [[/left margin]]

Then some sort of largely or [[circled in blue]] 8 [[/circled]] [[1 blue, 1 green checkmark]] completely rufous Synallaxis-type f. [[right arrow]] WM's. Quite close.  1 ft up in bamboo scrub.

[[underlined]] So all the birds here would appear to be continuous or intermittent members of one, [[double underlined]] very [[/double underlined]] diffuse, flock!!! Apparently with changing leadership. [[/underlined]]

Going further up hill 9:00 am.

[[left margin in red]] 20 [[/left margin]]

9:11. 8060 ft. See single [[1 pencil, 1 blue, 1 red checkmark]][[circled in blue]] 19 [[/circled]] Yellowbelly 15 ft up in second growth tree above scrub.  [[underlined]] Apparently [[/underlined]] alone.  But this [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] be same individuals seen earlier, and there may be other birds around in the neighborhood.

9:36 am.  8140 ft. Region mixed second growth.  See another mixed flock.

[[left margin in green]] 49 [[/left margin]] [[left margin in purple]] VIII H O [[/left margin]] [[left margin in pencil]] X H O [[/left margin]] [[left margin in blue]] VIII H O [[/left margin]]

Includes at least 2 [[two pencil, 2 green, 2 blue checkmarks]] White-spectacled, 2  [[two pencil, 2 green, 2 blue checkmarks]] BCBT's, 1  [[one pencil, 1 green, 1 blue checkmark]] [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]]. Quiet.  And diffuse.  But all the birds are going in same direction and there seems to be a definite order of precedence.  White spectacled in lead.  Followed by BCBT's.  Followed ( at least for a while) by [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined] .  BCBT's & [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] 3 - 6 ft up in scrub.  White spectacled 6 - 10 ft up scrub and small trees.

It is beginning to look as if [[underlined]] most [[/underlined]] of the birds here now are gathered into flocks!!!

Perhaps the allogregarious behavior of the birds of this region, in general, is intermediate between that of the birds of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, on the one hand, and that of the birds of the Central and Western Cordilleras on the other hand.

9:53.  Some yards down path.  Here [[underlined]] lots [[/underlined]] of White spectacled song.  NODWA.  Then see Singing bird.  10 ft up in small second growth tree.  Probably one of the birds with flock seen  a few minutes earlier.  And I can