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[[circled]] 50 [[/circled]]

[[left margin in green]] 67 [[/left margin]] 

At the same time, I saw a pair [[two pencil, two green, two blue checkmarks]] of [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] [[circled in pencil]] 13 [[/circled]]  in bamboo scrub 20 - 25 ft "behind" the PL's.  [[underlined]] Very noisy. [[/underlined]] Again, I don't know if these birds followed nucleus or not.  Possibly [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] pairs of [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] "emerged" as flock passed by different areas.  At least, I saw (another) pair of [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] in miscellaneous scrub, under the other birds, [[underlined]] much [[/underlined]] later on, when flock had passed far away from where [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] was first seen.  These (later) [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] (also) very noisy.  Lots of Rattles and Flourishes.

[[left margin in green]] 68 [[/left margin]]

Also when flock was first seen, there were 1 [[1 blue, 1 green, 1 pencil checkmark]] [[circled in pencil]] 14 [[/circled]] Blue & Black (!) and 

[[left margin in green]] 69 [[/left margin]]

[[1 green, 1 pencil, 1 blue checkmark]] [[circled in pencil]] 15 [[/circled]] 1 Yellowbelly, 20 ft apart, 20 - 30 [[underlined]] yds [[/underlined]] "behind" the [[underlined]] nigrocristatus. [[/underlined]] Both 30 ft up in VSF trees.  These may be considered "outliers" of the flock.

Thus, the flock included "diffusely scattered satellites" or "followers" [[underlined]] in addition [[/underlined]] to the very coherent nucleus.

Group as a whole could be described as a "mixed [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] and/or [[underlined]] Hemispingus [[/underlined]] flock."

In its general size and coherence (altho [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] in its specific composition) it resembled flocks of the Eastern and Western Cordilleras.

[[underlined]] Certainly [[/underlined]] there were no [[underlined]] Diglossa [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Conirostrum [[/underlined]] with this particular flock.  

[[left margin in red]] Gen [[/left margin]]

(Does WCC occur in Sierra de Merida??? If not, why not??? The environment would appear to be perfect for it!)

Reach highest part of path (where it enters VSF) 11:08am.  Cloud is coming up now - and fog is coming down.

11:20 am.  Some distance further along.  Hear a [[underlined]] lot [[/underlined]] of what sounds like 

[[left margin in red]] Laf? [[/left margin]]

White-spectacled song.  NODWA.  (It is just barely possible that these are short Laf songs, but I [[underlined]] doubt [[/underlined]] it.) [[in red]] See Sept. 5, 1965 [[/in red]]

[[left margin in red]] 21 [[/left margin]]

11:31 am.  8260 ft See single [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus. [[/underlined]] [[1 red, 1 pencil, 1 blue checkmark]] [[circled in blue]] 20 [[/circled]] Silent and alone.  1 ft up in second growth scrub along ravine.

[[left margin in red]] 22 [[/left margin]]

11:42.  Some yards further on and uphill. (Again?) See single [[red checkmark]]