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[[circled]] 58 [[/circled]]

s. Group very coherent.  Moving rapidly up hill.  Moderately noisy.  Birds ranging 6 - 20 ft up in [[circled]] VSF-AS [[/circled]] edge grassy pasture-like clearing.  [[underlined]] Little striped flycatchers (again) definitely in lead throughout. [[/underlined]] Usually followed by Whitebeards and then the others.  Laf definitely in rear most of the time.  Sings occasionally.  NODWAH.  The Laf and the Inters definitely do [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] tend to associate particularly closely with one another.

This flock goes uphill until it reaches an area where the other large flock was seen earlier this morning.  Then it apparently turns and disappears.  I.E. the ranges of these 2 flocks seem to be partly, but only slightly, overlapping.

Then go up to road.  See flock 9:15 am.  Apparently a [[underlined]] third [[/underlined]] flock.  (Although just conceivably some of the birds in it also were included in the second flock). Group very large.  Includes at least 2 [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] -types, 1 gray-cap, 1 inter, 3 PL's, 2 CIII finches, 2 woodcreepers CII, 2 White-beards, 1 Empidonax-type, others.

All birds moving steadily in same direction.  [[underlined]] But scattered over a very wide area.  Some birds frequently 20 - 30 yds away from nearest individuals of other species.  White-beards, [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] -types, Gray cap, and CII's near front. PL's and CIII's at rear.

[[underlined]] PL's and CIII's definitely tending to associate closely with one another. [[/underlined]] Both species ranging from ground to 2' up, in low second growth scrub at very edge of road.

All other species in smallish trees 5 - 25 ft up.

The [[underlined]] luteroviridis [[/underlined]] -types and the CII woodcreepers show a definite tendency to associate particularly closely with one another.

A single LCH visit flock briefly.  [[underlined]] And it attacks and chases the Inter [[/underlined]] !!! (Altho Inter certainly is taking insects off leaves - not feeding on flowers.)