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[[circle]] 62 [[/circle]]
[[margin,in green]] 94 [[/margin]]
lacks, [[underlined]] 7 or 8  Gray-caps [[/underlined]] [[7 light blue checkmarks and 7 green checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 4 [[/insert]] (!), 1 [[one green checkmark and one blue checkmark]] [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] [[insert,circled]] 5 [[/insert]]- type, 2 [[two checkmarks, two green checkmarks, two blue checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 6 [[/insert]] 
Whitebeards [[margin,in green]] 96 [[/margin]],
1 [[green checkmark, pencil checkmark, blue checkmark]] [[insert,circled]] 7 [[/insert]] woodcreeper (CII?), 1 [[blue checkmark, green checkmark]] [[insert,circled]] 8 [[/insert]] small warbler or flycatcher type.

Birds on both sides of road. [[underlined]] Group as a whole very diffuse. [[/underlined]] Not making steady progress in any given direction. Just occasional "sorties" in different directions.  Difficult to tell who, if anyone, is "leading".  Perhaps the Graycaps as much as anyone.

Yellowbellies & Blue & Blacks (together) f [[right arrow]] Gray caps.  White beard j [[right arrow]] Gray caps.  Yellowbellies j [[right arrow]] PL's.  Woodcreeper j [[right arrow]] [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] - type.

I presume that the Gray caps are either "passive" or "central" nuclear. 

Group as a whole fairly quiet.  But all or most species (except woodcreeper and warbler or flycatcher type) utter a variety of sounds occasionally.  [[underlined]] Hemispingus [[/underlined]] - types utter Rattles & Flourishes.

The PL's seem to be disputing among themselves.  Lots of silent chases and supplants.

Gray-caps ranging 2 - 18 ft up.  Definitely picking insects off leaves.  [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] - type ranging 8 - 18 ft up.  Also definitely picking insects off leaves.  Woodcreeper 10 - 18 ft up.  Looking for insects on trunks and branches.  PL's seen only 6-20 ft up.  Yellowbellies and Blue & Blacks seen 6 - 20 ft up also.  Whitebeard flycatching 2 - 18 ft up.
[[margin,in green]] 97 [[/margin]]
At one time, I heard a brief snatch of Whitespectacled [[pencil checkmark, green checkmark, blue checkmark]] [[insert,circled]] 9 [[/insert]] Song (NODWAH) just downhill.  This bird may have been associating with group.
[[margin,in green]] 98 [[/margin]]
Certainly there was one Sooty [[green checkmark, pencil checkmark]] [[insert,circled]] 10 [[/insert]] Thrush on outskirts of group for a couple of minutes. In trees.  Uttering alarm notes (at me).

Once, the Gray caps made a little sortie in area mixed scrub (including bamboo).  There was nothing else visible or audible in the scrub at the time.  But then the Gray caps left, going back the way they came.  And [[underlined]] immediately [[/underlined]] 1 or 2 [[underlined]]  B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] [[2 blue checkmarks]] [[2 green checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 11 [[/insert]]  "emerged from bamboo scrub,