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[[circle]] 63 [[/circle]]

uttered Rattles and Flourishes.  Then fell silent and went back [[two red checkmarks, two blue checkmarks]] into scrub. [[underlined]] I.E. the nigrocristatus "hid" from the Gray caps; and then showed hostility after the Gray caps had gone. [[/underlined]]

Group gradually "drifts" off ca. 8:40 am.  Without my being able to see where they go.

Sky is gradually clouding over 8:58 am.

9:04 am. Uphill.  Approximate area where third flock seen yesterday.  Area mixed [[circled]] VSF-AS [[/circled]] vegetation.  Catch glimpse part of a mixed flock.  
[[margin,in red]] Inter [[/margin]]
[[margin,in green]] 105 [[/margin]]
Includes at least 1 [[green, pencil, blue checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 1 [[/insert]] White spectacled, 2 [[two green, two blue, two pencil checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 2 [[/insert]] Whitebeards, 1 [[green, pencil and blue checkmaks]] [[insert,circled]] 3 [[/insert]] Inter, 1 [[green, pencil, blue checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 4 [[/insert]] Yellowbelly, 
[[margin,in blue]] VIII [[/margin]]
[[margin,in green]] 106 ]]/margin]]
1 [[green, pencil and blue checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 5 [[/insert]] Empidonax type.  All birds 6 - 12 ft up.  Group as a whole coherent.  
[[margin,in purple]] VIII HO [/margin]]
Difficult to tell who is leading.  Perhaps White-spectacled.
[[margin,in green]] 110 [[/margin]]

Group as a whole is quiet.  Except White-spectacled, who sings.  NODWAH.  I also hear a few snatches of [[blue, [pencil, and green checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 6 [[/insert]] [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] and [[two blue, two green and two pencil checkmarks]] [[insert,circled]] 7 [[/insert]] Little Striped Flycatcher sounds in neighborhood.  Probably with group (presumably temporarily in the case of the [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]]) [[three green checkmarks]].
[[margin, in green]] 113 [[/margin]]

This group apparently is not "connected" to the larger (Graycap) group seen downhill earlier today.  But it may well be partly the same as the third flock seen yesterday.

Leaving 9:45 am. 

COMMENT:  My observations later this morning would not support the hypothesis that decent weather discourages the formation of mixed flocks here.  But they would suggest that it may tend to encourage diffuseness and quietness.