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[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]

across definite but poorly organized mixed flock. Includes at least 3 ^[[three check marks]] ^[[three green check marks]] ^[[circled]]  1 [[/insert]] White-bearded Flycatchers (same species as in Venezuela - noisy as usual), 1 ^[[check mark]] ^[[multicolored check mark]] ^[[circled]] 2 [[/insert]] Spine-tail (silent), and at least two ^[[two check marks]] ^[[two multicolored check marks]] ^[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin, in purple]] I [[/left margin, in purple]]
[[left margin, in green]] 7 [[/left margin, in green]]
(very noisy - lots of Rattle-Flourishes and loud CN's or AlCN's). One [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] f ^[[right arrow]] Flycatchers at least 3 times. 
[[left margin, in red]] Humer [[/left margin, in red]]
At this point, 2 ^[[two check marks]] ^[[two multicolored check marks]] ^[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] Hummers j ^[[right arrow]] (independently). Hummers hop along [[underlined]] ground [[/underlined]], open path, apparently looking for insects. Silent. 
[[margin, in red]] 8 [[/margin]]
Then the Hummers ^[[two check marks]] ^[[two red check marks]] fly away, separately. No one follows. Then the [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] ^[[two pencil and two red checkmarks]] go down hill.  Apparently no one follows them either.  Throughout the period I watched this flock, the [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] showed a definite tendency to stick to bamboo.  The White-bearded flycatchers showed a preference for small, ordinary trees.  Both the warblers and flycatchers ranged 5 - 10 ft above ground.

8:45 am.  A single Firebelly flies by.  Definitely alone.

Leave 9:30 am.

April 17, 1965
Parano de Guarea


(Big mixed flock; same type and in same place as 1962)

I. The flock seen above Griusca this morning was really [[underlined]]incredibly like [[/underline]] the flock(s) seen in the same area in 1962.  Almost all the same species involved. And the species apparently playing much the same roles.

I was struck (again) this morning by the fact that the mix