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[[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]
[[margin, in red]] Laf Coer [[/margin]]
The very brief Laf-Coer encounter would suggest that Lafs [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] treat Coers like Cys.
April 23, 1965
Paramo de Guasca
In general, today's observations would suggest that mixed flocks are less "highly developed" here, now, than
in the breeding season of 1962. At least, the birds in the mixed flock today were relatively quiet, stationary,
and inconspicuous. It is beginning to look as if mixed flocks tend to be this way now. 
This both resembles and differs from the situation in the Sierra de Merida a couple of weeks ago. 
April 24, 1964
Agua Bonita
Going to start work at the lowest place here where I worked in 1962. Arrive 5:37 am. Already quite light. Warm.
Lots of bird noise. Lots of Rattle and Rattle-Flourish-like calls which sound like Basileuterus and/or 
Hemispingus. Also lots of other things. But nothing noticeably Diglossine. 
Lots and lots of birds around. But almost impossible to see Scrub here may be second growth, but it is very dense and thick
Walking thru edge scrub 6:00 am. Hear lots of birds. Get some brief glimpses. But all unidentifiable.