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[[circled]] 22 [[/circled]]

so above ground.
[[margin, in red]] 7 [[/margin]]
6:10.  See single [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] [[pencil and red checkmarks]] (definite) hopping thru dense, low, new second growth scrub.  Uttering SHN-type notes.  Definitely alone. Still alone 6:17.
[[margin,in red]] 8 [[/margin]]
See single White-spectacled [[pencil and red checkmarks]] Whitestart alone.  In tree 40 ft above ground.
[[margin, in red]] Albi? Humer? [[/margin]]
Hear a few sounds which may be Albi R's. Also hear some sounds which may be Hummer R-Zaza! 6:20 am.  No overlap.
[[margin, in red]] 9 [[/margin]]
Single Firebelly [[pencil and red checkmarks]] flies by 6:21.  Definitely alone.  Silent.  Also single sooty thrush alone.
There are various solitary fly catchers around.
[[margin, in red]] 10 [[/margin]]
6:30.  See (another) single [[pencil and red checkmarks]] Firebelly.  Top small tree in relatively open scrub.  Edge real forest.  Apparently alone.
Some distance further on (500 yds) see single sooty thrush alone.
[[margin, in red]] 11 [[/margin]]
6:38.  See single [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] [[pencil and red checkmarks]].  Alone in scrub, 6 ft above ground. Silent. 
It is possible that, although there may be more (and more spectacular) mixed flocks here than in Merida, the species which are gregarious in Merida are less gregarious here (???)
[[margin, in red]] Coer [[/margin]]
6:49.  Hear what sounds like Coer song.  "Zoosee zoosee - twitter".  Only a few phrases.  No other diglossie audible at same time.  Bird invisible.
[[margin, in red]] Coer [[/margin]]
There is no Whitestart audible while presumed Coer is singing.  But then the latter shuts up.  [[underlined]] And [[/underlined]] Whitestarts start singing almost immediately.
7:05. am.  Reach area where Humer-Albi dispute seen yesterday.  Nothing (identifiable) around now.