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[[circled]] 34 [[/circled]]

Then there is some more Dubusia song.  Getting [[underlined]] closer. [[/underlined]] Then I hear more [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] and/or [[underlined]] Hemispingus [[/underlined]] - type sounds about 200 ft down hill.  In low thick scrub.  Probably 3 - 8 ft up.  Suddently, the 3 "yellowfaces" fly down into this scrub area.  Range 4 - 10 ft up. I think this movement must be considered case of "yellowfaces" j ^[[right arrow]] group.

When I get my glasses fixed on this srub, I see that one bush contains 1 ^[[female symbol]] Albi (definite) and several olive-yellow birds, in addition to the "yellowfaces".  ^[[female symbol]] Albi feeing on flowers, 2 - 6 ft up.  The olive-yellow birds not feeding on flowers, but approximately same levels above ground.  Birds of different species in this bush sometimes only 1 - 2 ft apart.  No overt hostility or other special reactions among them.

Then I see a single PL Atlapetes in scrub 10 ft away.  Silent.  Disappears almost immediately.  Then I see the [[underlined]] Dubusia [[/underlined]] in nearby small tree and tangles.  Also disappears immediately.  Both PL and Dubusia 6 - 15 ft up when in sight.

Then the "yellowfaces" fly up into small trees 20 - 30 ft away.
Ranging 10 - 25 ft up.  Apparently nothing follows them.

Then a single GT suddenly appears.  In trees where "yellowfaces" seen first.  (They are now about 300 ft away).  GT 6 - 8 ft up.  Also moves on immediately.  Possibly following a course parallel to PL and Dubusia seen earlier, [[underlined]] but certainly not close to them [[/underlined]]!

A few seconds later, there is a furious chase, [[underlined]] involving 2 ^[[male symbol]] Albis [[/underlined]], low in scrub near where GT was.  (This is [[underlined]] far [[/underlined]] from where the ^[[female symbol]] Albi was seen earlier.  As far as I can tell, the ^[[female symbol]] Albi has disappeared by the time the ^[[mal symbol]]'s show up.) ^[[male symbol]] Albis quite noisy and conspicuous.


I think this dispute among the ^[[male symbol]] Albis probably was provoked