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[[circled]] 36 [[/circled]]

are coming back, but I can't see them.

Then silence again.  I am going to try to go further uphill.  8:32 am.  Fog is lifting.

Reach highest point of path 8:45 am.  This site is 8010 ft according to my altimeter now.  This is where flocks were seen a couple of months ago, but there is nothing here right now.

Then I hear some "yellowface" song not far away.  NODWA

Then I find that there is, in fact, a continuation of this path going even further up hill.  So I start to follow it.  Only a few yards along, I hear more Dubusia song.  Then come to clearing, with thick scrub of moderate height (including bamboo).  More or less surrounded by more or less tall trees.  And there certainly is a mixed flock here.

First, I see a single bird which looks like an all-[[underlined] sooty [[/underlined]] Synallaxis Juv. [[underlined]] unirufa [[/underlined]] ??? Silent.  3 ft up in scrub.  Then suddenly see 1 or 2 Little Striped Flycatchers, 5 - 12 ft up edge clearing.  Uttering R's.  Then 4 large tanagers, close together, move thru the adjacent tree-tops.  I can't identify them definitely.  But they certainly are at least partly blue.  Probably some or all are Big Bulthraupis.  Quiet, except for occasional "CN"s.  Then I see single [[underlined]] atropileus [[/underlined]] 4 - 6 ft up in bamboo.  Then I see 2 "yellowfaces", 1 PL, and 1 firebelly, quite close together in tangles of vines, 15 - 25 ft up, about 30 ft away.  Rather quiet.  Then the group just seems to "fade away".

I think this is probably partly same group seen earlier.

Certainly it is (still) quite diffuse - as a whole.  Also rather quiet as a whole.

The presumed Big Bulthraupis and the Little Striped flycatchers seemed to be dividing the lead between them.  The "yellowfaces", PL,